Friday, July 4, 2008

Reacting to Events Before They Happen

"Seasonal Traffic and How to Capture It for Your Blog"
ProBlogger (July 4, 2007)

"Don’t Miss Seasonal Opportunities on Your Blog for Spectacular Traffic. Read to the bottom of this post for an example of how I’ve used the same content three times in 18 months to generate 50,000 page views on one post.

"One of the skills that I encourage bloggers to develop is to think ahead about what events might be coming up that will impact the niche that you’re writing about.

"The web is a fairly rhythmic place and every year there are waves of activity across search engines and other websites that are quite predictable...."

In common with most reasonably valid advice, this is mostly common sense.

It's interesting, though, to see the 41 comments that accumulated during the year that this post has been up.

The post has examples, charts, and links to related posts.

All in all, a pretty good resource.


MySpace Design said...

Very useful article! Thanks for the info!

Brian H. Gill said...

MySpace Design,

Glad to hear it, and - my pleasure.

("Following" list moved here, after Blogger changed formats)

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